Exchange Bank Trust and Investment team member seated at table with diverse older couple reviewing estate settlement paperwork.

Trust & Investment

Estate Settlement

Supporting local families through a difficult process

Our experienced team is here to carry out the time-intensive process of settling your estate while allowing your family to focus on family. With strong technical skills and a sympathetic understanding of the family dynamic, our caring trust officers efficiently navigate the complexities of estate settlement, minimizing conflict along the way.

When named in your Trust or Will, our trust officers ensure the completion of every step in the process:

  • Locate, inventory, and safeguard all estate assets; establish values for tax and accounting purposes
  • Inventory, appraise, sell, or distribute the decedent’s personal property as necessary
  • Provide continuing management for income-producing real estate and business interests
  • Pay expenses related to the administration of the estate, including the decedent’s funeral expenses and legitimate claims against the estate
  • Collect debts owed to the decedent and be prepared to defend the estate against invalid or improper claims
  • Assume responsibility for all income, estate, gift, or generation-skipping transfer tax returns required under state or federal law
  • Maintain detailed records of income, expense, and estate transactions and provide accountings to the beneficiaries and/or court
  • Distribute estate in accordance with the provisions in the decedent’s trust or will

Ready to get started?